We are now in the process of being a charter school. Our charter is based on an Inquiry Based learning model. I realized recently that nothing about the way I teach relates to inquiry. Inquiry after all is about questioning. The model I've been using is more of a Project Based learning model. There is nothing wrong with that. Since being given the freedom to create units and use more technology, I know that this project based learning has increased the learning and increased the love of learning in my class. I've always wondered how I can teach inquiry when I have to teach standards. That pretty much takes the creative questioning out of everything.
Today we started using inquiry. I still don't think it's a true inquiry model but it's definitely based on questioning. The kids are given standards. They create questions based on those standards. They then research to find the answers to their questions. This makes them responsible for their own learning to a degree. I will be there to guide them. They will set appointements with me when they need help. Once they have found the answers to their questions, they have the leeway to pretty much display their learning in any way they choose. This not only will increase the inquiry in my classroom, it also gives the students a lot of choice in what they are learning and how they are learning it. My hope is that giving this choice will increase the motivation of my students.
Today was only the first day. I know there are going to be challenges along this path. The kids got to choose their own groups and working within a group can be very challenging for some kids. I know it's challenging for some adults like yours truly. Yes today was a new day in the classroom of Wandrum's Warriors and I do believe I got one step closer to fitting a watermelon in my pocket. That will be another post.